Understanding Advaita: The Essence of Non-Duality

Advaita, which means “non-duality,” is a profound philosophy that teaches us about the oneness of existence. At its core, Advaita emphasizes that what you experience as “you” is fundamentally the same essence experienced by everything that exists around you. This realization leads to a deep understanding that there is no separation between the self and […]

Blissful Beyond Happiness

Meditation is for You Why do you want to stay in a state of suffering if through meditation you can get out of it? Why do you want to experience the ups and downs in your moods (which are merely thoughts), if you can go beyond them through meditation? Who creates our positive and negative […]

Journey to the Source

The greatest adventure to be explored is the journey to the Source. Source is bliss, source is peace. Peace is freedom from the clutches of your mind. How does the Mind work? The mind creates pleasure and pain shafts connecting associated thoughts. Thoughts of joy and happiness create joyful, happy shafts. Thoughts of fear, anger […]