Is your Past Affecting your Future?

We live our past consciously or unconsciously many times over and that every day; and our future is a projection of our past. Truly, the past repeats itself.
The way we grew up, how we were treated as children, loved, rejected or left alone and how we emotionally reacted to it and to circumstances and events, decides our present and future life, our finances and state of happiness. During our childhood going through happenings we created thought patterns to which we attached emotions that we keep for the rest of our life.
When you are willing to feel it, you can heal it.
Let’s say as a toddler you were curious about some coins that were laying on a table and you reached for them. In that moment an adult or another child around you reacts to it in a disapproving way. The other person may say something in a harsh voice, hits you or pulls you away. What is the message?
The message is that you can’t have money.
This you create as a thought pattern in your mind, quite automatically it seems but you are the one who actually decides to think this way or that way because you can react in different ways. You decided your reaction to the event and you attached an emotion to it like sadness or not feeling worth it. Now that you have an emotion attached to a thought pattern you give life to it – and the drama begins. Meaning from now on whenever it comes to your personal finances the thought pattern of that you can’t have money comes up along with the feeling of not being worth it. This plays in your subconscious mind and you are not aware of it or perhaps vaguely aware but not sure about what is really going on. Even if you consciously see the pattern you still feel trapped and don’t know what to do about it.
Free Yourself from Conditioning and Old Patterns
Now you got a problem because you will not attract money into your life. Some people still may attract money but this is due to past good karma which will change eventually when it is used up and your self-created thought pattern of not deserving money will come to the forefront. To get out of this dilemma it is needed to break these repeated circles of reacting the same way over and over again to similar events. Once you break the vicious cycle, you can create a better future for yourself free of your past.