7 Quick Tips for a Blissful Day
We all appreciate a blissful life and create it one day at a time. Happy days are good for our own health and state of mind but also for the people around us. Nothing is more contagious than a good laughter. Here are seven quick tips to make a blissful day happen for artists and […]
Is Happiness a Worthwhile Goal?
This is an excellent question that was posted on Good Life Zen: Is Happiness a Worthwhile Goal? It was surprising to me to see that no one of the readers discussed in the comments meditation as a tool to reach a state beyond the dualities of life (happy & sad, warm & cold, hungry & full, etc.), a state of eternal […]
Are you in Control of your Emotions?
Ha, ha, you might be laughing about this question and wish you were, right? Truth is whenever our body is moved by a particular emotion, that emotion gets settled inside our system. Jiddu Krishnamurthi, an enlightened Master from India, made a wonderful statement about emotions arising in the human body. He says beautifully, ‘If you […]
Yogic Healing of Childhood Trauma
Screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs, then crying and falling to the carpeted floor pounding it with the bare fists again and again, sobbing or silently retreating to a corner of the yoga studio looked like entering a nut house to the newbie and uninitiated. In 1988 I took my first hatha […]
Is your Past Affecting your Future?
We live our past consciously or unconsciously many times over and that every day; and our future is a projection of our past. Truly, the past repeats itself. The way we grew up, how we were treated as children, loved, rejected or left alone and how we emotionally reacted to it and to circumstances and […]
Say Good-bye to Nightmares: How I stopped Dreaming
Stop Dreaming; Is it Possible? Do you sometimes suddenly wake up in the middle of the night? You are fear stricken, sweating all over, or your heart races like crazy. I am sure you have. We all can relate to it. Often that is the end of the night. We are afraid to fall asleep […]
Raise Yourself by Yourself
Raise yourself by yourself do not defeat yourself by yourself It is the Self that gives respect to the self and it is the self that deceives the Self BhagavadGita, Dhyana Yoga, 6.5 When you raise yourself, yourself is the greatest friend of yourself; and, when you deceive yourself, yourself is the greatest enemy of […]