The Bindu for Meditation
My art is about the bindu or dot. The bindu is the central focal point of a yantra like the Sri Yantra that is used for Sri Vidya Puja at Vedic temples. The bindu is created in black, perfect for meditation. It sucks the meditator right in like a black hole especially when the dot […]
Sattvic Food – Not Revolution but Evolution
Sattvic food is not about ending animal cruelty, not about eating healthier, not about convincing you that sattvic food is the most beneficial diet on planet earth. No! Sattvic food is not a revolution of some sort but purely evolution. Someone who loves animal food we cannot convince to eat a sattvic diet. That person […]
How to Become Vegetarian
Someone recently asked me how one can best transition from eating meat to becoming a vegetarian. This is a beautiful question! High Energy Food I could answer this question in a logical way giving you many reasons but trying to convince you with reason will bring a result only for a limited time. Eventually it […]
Raise Yourself by Yourself
Raise yourself by yourself do not defeat yourself by yourself It is the Self that gives respect to the self and it is the self that deceives the Self BhagavadGita, Dhyana Yoga, 6.5 When you raise yourself, yourself is the greatest friend of yourself; and, when you deceive yourself, yourself is the greatest enemy of […]
Journey to the Source
The greatest adventure to be explored is the journey to the Source. Source is bliss, source is peace. Peace is freedom from the clutches of your mind. How does the Mind work? The mind creates pleasure and pain shafts connecting associated thoughts. Thoughts of joy and happiness create joyful, happy shafts. Thoughts of fear, anger […]
Finding Gratitude
How different would life be if we approached every day with more gratitude in our hearts? I believe contentment in our lives comes from being grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we are lacking or perceive we are lacking. The second Niyama, Santosha, asks us to find contentment, and experiencing gratitude is the […]
Yoga Therapy and Mental Health
Yoga therapy for mental health… Mental health starts with knowing how the mind works. Once this is properly understood from an enlightened perspective (not from another unenlightened understanding) it becomes a fairly easy task everyone can handle once they are willing to embark on a journey of inner transformation. Unfortunately most of us are stricken […]
Meditation to Quiet your Inner Critic
Recently, I blogged about quieting your inner critic. It’s that little voice inside your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough, attractive enough or successful enough. Thankfully, we can use our Yogic tools and the 8 Limbs of Yoga to stop these false messages and enjoy the confidence we deserve. One of our strongest Yogic tools […]
Powerful Yantra Meditation
The Sri Yantra Meditation aka Sri Vidya Puja is a powerful and complex meditation to connect with our physical mother. Through that create an inner space to connect with and receive the cosmic mother or Devi. In some traditions the Sri Yantra is associated with Lakshmi Devi. It is an intense meditation technique to raise […]