Are you in Control of your Emotions?

Ha, ha, you might be laughing about this question and wish you were, right? Truth is whenever our body is moved by a particular emotion, that emotion gets settled inside our system. Jiddu Krishnamurthi, an enlightened Master from India, made a wonderful statement about emotions arising in the human body. He says beautifully, ‘If you […]

Sesame Seeds Bliss Balls

After each early morning yoga session at my guru’s aadheenam (ashram and temple complex) we received a ‘reward’ of yummy Sesame Seeds Bliss Balls. Sesame seeds are beneficial to our health. They contain a wide range of minerals, vitamin B1, dietary fiber, sesamean, and sesamoline. Sesame balls help with cholesterol, high blood pressure, increases vitamin […]

Is there a Yogic Aid to Digestion?

In general we can say sattvic food is easy to digest. For some people lentil and bean dishes may create a problem with gas. To avoid or minimize this, asafetida (hink) is added during the cooking process to aid in digestion. Another way is the yogic way. If you like the relaxing and calming way […]