Positive Impact of Yoga on Your Lifestyle
Yoga has its origin in India but owing to the wonders it does for people, it has been widely accepted across the globe. Yoga not only has mental and physical benefits but it also helps in spiritual journey. Though earlier people used to perceive yoga as a means of workout for losing weight, with passage […]
Green Grape Smoothie Recipe to Help Improve Your Health
Grapes are one of the fruits that clean and heal the most as they clean the lymphatic system. Ayurveda recommends to fast on only grape juice once in a while. It strengthens the digestive fire and improves health. 1/2 avocado2 cups sweet green grapes1 cup spinachCoconut water or waterA little piece of ginger1/2 lemon juice […]
Video: Great Health Benefits of Oil Pulling
Oil Pulling is an Ayurvedic technique for detox. Use sesame oil from an Indian grocery store. Take one table spoon of oil and swoosh it around in your mouth for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes white and froozy. Spit it out into your trash can. Do not spit it into your sink or toilet […]
7 Quick Tips for a Blissful Day
We all appreciate a blissful life and create it one day at a time. Happy days are good for our own health and state of mind but also for the people around us. Nothing is more contagious than a good laughter. Here are seven quick tips to make a blissful day happen for artists and […]
Is Happiness a Worthwhile Goal?
This is an excellent question that was posted on Good Life Zen: Is Happiness a Worthwhile Goal? It was surprising to me to see that no one of the readers discussed in the comments meditation as a tool to reach a state beyond the dualities of life (happy & sad, warm & cold, hungry & full, etc.), a state of eternal […]
Yantras and Yantra Meditation: Tools for Liberation
He always talks about downloading. No, not from the internet on to your computer but from the akashic, cosmic records into your system. My guru can do it, I can’t. He says we can do if after enlightenment. Yes! I want to download all there is about yantras and yantra meditation, and share it with […]
Yantra Meditation to Gain Clarity in Life
Do You Sometimes Have a Hard Time Deciding What You Want? How often would we answer ‘yes’ to this question. Our mind is made up of samskaras, engraved memories, which block the free flow of energy to think clearly and make better decisions. The more samskaras we have, the more confused we are. Sometimes there […]
Yoga Carya Sutra: Yoga is Not Just Bending the Body
There is a lot of misconception about Yoga in the world and in particular the West. In the below video the Avatar HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, a true and powerful yogi of our time, explains why yoga is not just bending your body. Be in for a surprise.
When is the Best Time to Get Up in the Morning?
Have you noticed that in the early hours of the morning there is a different energy? In the Vedic tradition we call the time before sunrise Brahma Muhurta. When you get up before sunrise or approximately between 4:30 am and 6:00 am you surprisingly feel more energetic and joyful which sets your mood and success for […]
Create Energy from the Sun
Awaken Body Intelligence to Create Energy from the Sun Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations is a series of 12 yoga poses performed in a flowing sequence or Vinyasa. This series is designed to access etheric energy that is all around us. Best performed facing the East in the first rays of the morning sun with […]