Yoga Citta Vṛtti Nirodhaḥ: Finding Inner Stillness Through Tea

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the second sutra offers a profound definition of yoga: “Yoga citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ”“Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” This simple yet powerful phrase reminds us that yoga is not just about physical postures but about quieting the constant movement of thoughts. In a world filled […]

Blissful Beyond Happiness

Meditation is for You Why do you want to stay in a state of suffering if through meditation you can get out of it? Why do you want to experience the ups and downs in your moods (which are merely thoughts), if you can go beyond them through meditation? Who creates our positive and negative […]

Peaceful Inner Space

Many talk about peace, world peace. Few realize that global peace can only come through our own efforts to inner peace. Inner peace where no thought waves disturb us anymore; any agitation in our mind is violence. Peaceful beings at heart are not disturbed by any outer circumstances or people. In their presence other restless […]

Be A Mouna Yogi Meditation

Be a mouna yogi, someone who has withdrawn from verbal communication, who has attained stillness within, no thoughts, no patterns, no conditioning, no beliefs that could possibly be of any disturbance to the peace of the mind. The more these are removed, more and more inner stillness spreads. Inner stillness, peace, shanta comes from practices […]

Competition and the 5th Chakra

Competition is comparison and jealousy which blocks the 5th chakra, the vishuddhi or throat chakra. This chakra when open is the creative energy for artists, writers, speakers, etc. When we feel not good enough, it again blocks the throat chakra. To not fall into the comparison/competition trap as taught by society related to negative emotions […]