The Mystic Sage of Arunachala: Life and Teachings of Arunagiri Yogishwara

Divine Incarnation Arunagiri Yogishwara, an embodiment of Paramashiva, graced the physical plane several thousand years ago. He is revered in Hindu scriptures as a manifestation of the divine, bringing the eternal wisdom of Sanatana Dharma to humanity. Timeless Presence Arunagiri Yogishwara retained his human form for several hundred years, demonstrating the extraordinary capabilities of an […]

The Living Divinity: Life and Teachings of Arunachala Shiva

The Divine Manifestation Arunachala Shiva is not merely a mountain or a geographical location, but a living embodiment of Lord Shiva himself. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, Arunachala appeared as a column of fire to settle a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu, establishing itself as the axis mundi – the center of the spiritual world. […]