The Mystic Sage of Arunachala: Life and Teachings of Arunagiri Yogishwara

Divine Incarnation Arunagiri Yogishwara, an embodiment of Paramashiva, graced the physical plane several thousand years ago. He is revered in Hindu scriptures as a manifestation of the divine, bringing the eternal wisdom of Sanatana Dharma to humanity. Timeless Presence Arunagiri Yogishwara retained his human form for several hundred years, demonstrating the extraordinary capabilities of an […]

Awakening and Healing in Advaita

Today, let us explore the profound relationship between awakening and healing in the context of Advaita. Understanding Awakening in Advaita Awakening is the realization of our true nature as non-dual consciousness. In Advaita, it is about recognizing that what you experience as “you” is fundamentally the same essence experienced by everything that exists. This understanding […]

The Living Divinity: Life and Teachings of Arunachala Shiva

The Divine Manifestation Arunachala Shiva is not merely a mountain or a geographical location, but a living embodiment of Lord Shiva himself. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, Arunachala appeared as a column of fire to settle a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu, establishing itself as the axis mundi – the center of the spiritual world. […]

Understanding Advaita: The Essence of Non-Duality

Advaita, which means “non-duality,” is a profound philosophy that teaches us about the oneness of existence. At its core, Advaita emphasizes that what you experience as “you” is fundamentally the same essence experienced by everything that exists around you. This realization leads to a deep understanding that there is no separation between the self and […]

11 Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer in Advaita

Prayer is an important part of any religious or spiritual practice so also in Advaita, the Indian non-dual philosophy of oneness. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers. . 1. Question: What is the purpose of prayer in Advaita? Answer: The purpose of prayer in Advaita is to connect with the divine and […]

Unveiling the Mysteries of St. Issa

In exploring the life and wisdom attributed to St. Issa, also known as Isha Nath or Jesus Christ, diverse perspectives emerge regarding the authenticity of historical accounts. While some view the gospel narratives with skepticism, others regard them as profound truths. Regrettably, definitive writings directly from St. Issa are absent in our records. However, insights […]

Desperate for Jesus – A Virtual Women’s Conference

Desperate for Jesus is the title of a virtual women’s conference I ran into online. Did I participate? No, but I had to laugh about the title. India is historically known to produce enlightened beings. Already thousands of years ago the master-disciple relationship existed to further the spiritual growth of a true seeker for enlightenment. […]